Finding what lights you up

Rose Thun

Happy Thursday happy hour! Today we’re thinking about filling your life with more of what lights you up.

Some frameworks you come across stay with you for life. One of the early ones for me came from Richard Bowles’ What Color is Your Parachute. I took my mother’s 1970s edition when I left home. The book’s been updated since and now has versions for retirees, teens, counselors, ….. I liked the separate workbook better. In it, he had you write on each page an aspect of what you like to do or want in life. You assembled these slips of paper on the floor and the metaphor was that each paper was like a petal to build the rose that is the picture of your ideal life. It’s a lovely idea, isn’t it?

I liked it so much I gave it to someone’s child along the way and can’t find either book now in my house. So instead, below are a series of questions to help identify what can light you up, bring joy and fulfillment.  Of course, add your own petals to the mix, and reply to tell me what I missed! Don't feel compelled to do them all, any one could reveal an insight as you write.

Best wishes,


1. Reflecting on Joy and Passions:

   - What activities make you lose track of time or bring you pure joy?

   - Reflect on your childhood: What did you love to do at age five, and how does that connect to your life now?

2. Overcoming and Achieving:

   - What accomplishments or challenges have you overcome that you are most proud of?

   - Describe a time when your efforts contributed to something bigger than yourself.

3. Dreams and Aspirations:

   - If fear of failure weren't a factor, what would you pursue?

   - What long-held dream do you still hope to fulfill?

4. Values and Contributions:

   - Which values guide your daily life, and how do you wish to impact the world?

   - How do you contribute to causes you care about?

5. Community and Connections:

   - What does your ideal community look like, and how do you enrich the lives around you?

   - Can you recall a time when you felt a deep connection to your community?

6. Work and Talents:

   - What have you enjoyed most in your past roles, and what does your ideal job look like?

   - Are there underutilized talents you wish to engage more fully?

7. Growth and Learning:

   - What new skill would you pursue if nothing stood in your way?

   - When did you last step out of your comfort zone, and what did you learn?

8. Health and Well-being:

   - What activities boost your health and energy?

   - How do you manage stress and maintain balance in life?

9. Creativity and Self-Expression:

   - How do you express yourself creatively?

   - What project or hobby are you passionate about right now?

10. Legacy and Future Goals:

    - What advice would you give your younger self?

    - What do you hope to achieve in the next decade?

11. Daily Life and Personal Freedom:

    - Which parts of your daily routine do you value the most?

    - How do you maintain autonomy in your personal and professional life?

12. Work Preferences and Environment:

    - Do you thrive in busy environments or prefer solitude and quiet?

    - How does your work environment affect your productivity and happiness?

13. Balance and Mindfulness:

    - How do you balance personal needs with others' demands?

    - What practices help you stay present and mindful?

14. Self-Care and Inspiration:

    - What does self-care mean to you, and how do you practice it?

    - Who inspires you, and what have you learned from them?

15. Looking Forward:

    - What are you most looking forward to in the coming year?

    - What small steps can you take today toward a more fulfilling life?