Eclipse Stories & Life Milestone Planning

Rose Thun

I mentioned Monday that I was going to the Adirondacks with my beloved Mom for the eclipse Monday. As always it was an adventure.

We drove up to a church camp, with dirt/mud roads and a foot of snow. The roads to the bathrooms were unplowed, but my intrepid mother drove on, then had to back up a quarter mile on a narrow road with icy swamps on either side. We counted ourselves lucky for back-up cameras and to get out without much drama. Like google maps navigation stopping arguments about directions, the back up camera was much more effective than me arm waving and yelling from behind.

So, she only hit one tree as I said, “hmm, you might want to come over to my side more.” for the third time. We laughed. Then we went into the neighboring town and watched from there, with a parking lot, picnic tables, nice bathrooms, coffee, and a wonderful family we connected with.

All that driving for a cloudy eclipse and a photo from my husband in MD that looked better than anything we got.  My photos were so awful, I am not even including them here. The town pavilion had an overhead light with a sensor that came on when it got dark so the photos were really subpar.

And yet the trip was perfect. I’m always so grateful to see my Mom and Stepdad, even for just a quick visit.

I laughed talking to a friend today; she was scrambling to get glasses for the eclipse and at the last minute a stranger offered her some as she fumbled real time with pinhole papers. I planned and sent glasses to many people and got a cloudy view. We laughed at the metaphor of thinking we are in control and planning everything and just need to remember to enjoy the surprises.

For today’s Wed GPT, I’ve created a Skyscape GPT, which shows info on astronomy related topics: including how best to see upcoming events near you, lore and mythology, science and recent discoveries, history and educational resources to inspire awe. As always, it’s in the AI playground; so maybe we won’t miss the next big event. And, as of last week, you don’t need an Open AI paid subscription to use it, so be sure to check out the tutorial GPT too. I just learned this month’s full moon is the Pink Moon, named for the phlox that grow this time of year on the east coast. It continues the sense of wonder and awe this week.

BUT, I also did a more happiness centered GPT; in the AI playground; Life Milestone Planner: An AI assistant that helps plan for significant life milestones, such as an empty nest, significant anniversaries, a second careers, and more.  Perhaps it helps!